by Megane Bantefa | Jan 18, 2023
As we start the new year, a big question is on our collective minds: What speech, language, and cognitive therapy trends will emerge in 2023? If you’re in the speech, language, and cognitive therapy industry, we don’t need to tell you how quickly things have changed... by Kate Ying | Jul 12, 2022
Your kid loves playing sports, maybe takes a rough tumble or two, but then gets back up and carries on with the day as if nothing ever happened. Your immediate instinct as a parent is to worry, but your child seems completely fine afterward–-and you don’t want to... by Constant Therapy | Mar 22, 2022
Relaxing on the couch and watching movies and documentaries is usually on everyone’s list of top activities. In that spirit, we’ve curated 10 films that deal sensitively with the topic of brain injury and brain disorders that will educate and inspire. Topics... by Kate Ying | Feb 18, 2022
In a recent commentary piece, The Defense Post called attention to an issue of concern among the veterans’ community—namely, the potentially severe health risks posed by an all-too-common and misleadingly-named condition: mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). mTBI... by Constant Therapy | Dec 27, 2021
January 30th is National CTE Awareness Day. CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) is a progressive disease of the brain which occurs in individuals with a history of repeated brain trauma, like concussion. Although it isn’t always necessarily associated with...