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You Know You Are an SLP If…

Constant Therapy | Communication disorders, Clinician

  • You reach into your bag and find a collection of toothettes, packets of ThickIt, and tongue depressors that could last for days.
  • You see a new memory card game/flashcard set in the dollar section at Target and can’t resist the need to throw it in your cart.
  • You’ve seen closets larger than your office (if you have an office…)
  • The phrase 90% productivity sends shivers up and down your spine.
  • You choke and immediately envision the current path the aspirated liquid is taking… and can’t help but comment on it to your non-SLP friends, who of course are really confused.
  • You find grammatical errors to be akin to nails on a chalkboard.
  • Your Type A personality leads you to organize your spouse’s belongings… but you’re too overworked to find time to organize your own closet… erm… office.
  • You can’t help but internally diagnose various speech, language, and cognitive disorders while watching TV.
  • You wear earplugs at concerts (gotta protect those cilia!)
  • You find yourself internally questioning your own pragmatic judgment daily.
  • You have a collection of newspapers you keep meaning to bring into work to use as therapy stimuli.
  • You inevitably have to explain that you don’t just work with small children with lisps and /r/ trouble whenever someone actually delves into asking what you do as an SLP.
  • You speak the SLP secret language (including all the acronyms as well as IPA).
  • You find typically developing children to be geniuses. I mean, really, HOW ON EARTH did they pick up all those words AND learn to negotiate with peers on their own!?
  • You couldn’t imagine a more rewarding career!

What are the things that make you unique as an SLP? Tell us in the comments below!

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  1. Karen Nolan

    Another one for your “you know you’re an SLP…”

    When you hear someone coughing in a restaurant and your head immediately turns in that direction followed by a quiet assessment of the situation.

    • Constant Therapy

      Yes! This is a great one, Karen!


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