by Constant Therapy | Oct 16, 2020
As the prevalence of teletherapy has grown, fueled by the need for physical-distancing during COVID-19, we as clinicians have been faced with the challenge of how to make teletherapy work for us and for our clients. The good news is that many therapists have already...
by Constant Therapy | Sep 17, 2019
Head injuries in the NFL are not new, but with the increased spotlight on their long-term effects to player health, the league has implemented protocol to address the diagnosis and management of concussions. That protocol includes immediate removal from the field with...
by Constant Therapy | May 9, 2019
Stroke can impact all aspects of life—movement, communication, thinking, and autonomic functions such as swallowing and breathing. Research shows that early and specialized stroke rehabilitation can help to optimize an individual’s physical and cognitive recovery and...
by Constant Therapy | Mar 1, 2019
Practice is critical when recovering from brain injury or stroke. The need for consistent practice during brain rehabilitation is why clinicians must convey to their cognitive and speech therapy clients why home practice between therapy sessions will benefit their...
by Constant Therapy | Dec 18, 2018
Free weekend or vacation coming up? Relaxing on the couch and watching movies is usually on our list of top activities. In that spirit we’ve curated eight movies that speech-language pathologists will enjoy—and even be inspired by—from recent movies about survivors of...