by Zachary Smith, MS, CCC-SLP | Oct 15, 2023
You’ve recently experienced a stroke, gone through a hospitalization and possibly rehab, and are now home again to...BrainWire
by David Dansereau and Michael Garrow, Co-Hosts of the Know Stroke Podcast | Sep 27, 2023
The silent stigma of stroke Your brain is the body’s master controller, regulating all systems to keep it in balance....BrainWire
by Zachary Smith, MS, CCC-SLP | Sep 21, 2023
So, you feel stuck… Whether you’re a brain injury or stroke survivor, caregiver for someone with neurological...BrainWire
by Zachary Smith, MS, CCC-SLP | Sep 10, 2023
Constant Therapy strives to bring accessible therapy to millions of individuals recovering from a stroke or brain... by Alexey Miroshnichenko | Sep 8, 2023
Exercise helps people with cognitive, speech, or language disorders improve auditory comprehension, memory, and daily... by Alexey Miroshnichenko | Sep 8, 2023
Exercise helps people with cognitive, speech, or language disorders improve reading and categorization skills by...BrainWire
by Kate Ying | Aug 24, 2023
Support group guidance for patients and caregivers Have you considered joining a support group before? Amid the twists...BrainWire
by Kate Ying | Aug 16, 2023
Here on BrainWire, you’ve heard us rave about the many ways that pets shower our lives with joy and comfort. From...BrainWire
by Zachary Smith, MS, CCC-SLP | Aug 10, 2023
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with apraxia of speech (often referred to as apraxia), we understand...