by Kate Ying | Dec 5, 2022
If you’re a caregiver for someone recovering from a stroke or traumatic brain injury, or coping with any other neurological condition or event, you play a pivotal role in your loved one’s recovery journey. By providing day-to-day support, your presence alone...
by Constant Therapy | Aug 21, 2022
Alzheimer’s is a progressive disease that disrupts typical cell function in the brain causing life-changing symptoms. The leading theory is that plaques and tangles (abnormal deposits and fibers) build up in the brain causing brain cell dysfunction and resulting in...
by Kate Ying | Nov 10, 2021
If you’re caregiving for a loved one who is a survivor of stroke or brain injury or living with Alzheimer’s or other neurological condition, you know that it can be incredibly rewarding to be part of your loved one’s journey. But it’s got its ups and downs,...
by Constant Therapy | Feb 20, 2020
Whether you are a family caregiver for an individual with Aphasia, a Traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, developmental disabilities, or other conditions, you know that it’s not an easy road. What you might not know is that there’s some great research...
by Constant Therapy | Nov 14, 2019
Julie Ayotte jumped unexpectedly into the role of caregiver starting the night her husband Mike Healey was rushed to the ICU after a fall in the shower. Mike, a successful software engineer, was diagnosed with a subdural hematoma, which is a highly dangerous injury...