Subject: Health Insights

4 Steps to Make Constant Therapy Exercises a New Habit

4 Steps to Make Constant Therapy Exercises a New Habit

To make something a habit, you’ve got to work at it initially – but once you form a good habit, it’s easy to keep on repeating and benefiting from that habit everyday. Below, we describe how to make Constant Therapy exercises a part of your daily routine – and how to...
Parkinson’s Disease: How It Affects Communication

Parkinson’s Disease: How It Affects Communication

There are so many conditions that can affect communication, and the first step to overcoming communication challenges is to understand why and how those challenges arise. In this blog, we’ll highlight Parkinson’s, a disease that can cause significant...
Getting to Know Primary Progressive Aphasia

Getting to Know Primary Progressive Aphasia

Primary Progressive Aphasia is a little known, often confused, and frequently missed diagnosis. What is it? What goes into the diagnosis? How can we harness the brain to compensate for it? Read on as we explain the symptoms, known causes, and how language tasks can...