by Constant Therapy | May 22, 2018
With a smartphone always handy, it’s easy to forget how much information we keep in our heads on a regular basis. If you have to add up how many dinner plates you need for a party you’re hosting, do you grab your calculator to figure out an answer? Most likely, no,... by Constant Therapy | May 3, 2018
These text-level reading exercises help more than just reading goals. Learn about these tasks and how they target areas like attention, memory, and inferencing. How many words did you read this week? Chances are, that number is in the thousands. Reading is a... by Constant Therapy | Apr 16, 2018
When listening skills are affected after a stroke or other type of brain injury, it can have a significant functional impact on many parts of our lives- including social interactions, work, and leisure activities. Listening and language comprehension are commonly... by Constant Therapy | Apr 2, 2020
Staying focused is a skill we take for granted – without attention, it’s tough to get daily activities done, whether it’s grocery shopping, writing an email to an old friend, or just reading a blog. Constant Therapy contains evidence-based therapy exercises that are... by Constant Therapy | Mar 16, 2018
Working Memory (WM) plays a significant role in your daily life. We’re here to refresh your memory of the crucial role WM plays, and how it can be targeted to help with the recovery of your patients with brain injuries. What is Working Memory? The working memory...