by Constant Therapy | Apr 3, 2020
These times are unprecedented. COVID-19 turned the world on its head, yielding public health emergency responses that leave many feeling uncertain, exposed, and frightened. With so much ambiguity there is one thing for certain: being in a constant state of distress is... by Constant Therapy | Mar 25, 2020
Fear and anxiety about the spread of COVID-19 can be overwhelming these days. Between the 24/7 media coverage, and worries shared in phone or social media conversations with family and friends, it’s easy to feel lots of stress. However, chronic stress really... by Constant Therapy | Feb 10, 2020
It’s almost Valentine’s Day and amongst the ubiquitous love notes and roses, there’s chocolate everywhere you look – it’s for sale in heart-shaped boxes in every store, it’s in cocktails, in coffee, in your morning bagel or muffin – how’s a person to... by Shaheen Lakhan, MD, PhD, FAAN | Dec 23, 2019
Planning on catching up on your favorite Netflix series? If you’re an average American, you stream an average of 71 minutes of Netflix each day. Think that’s a lot? It is. We spend fewer hours exercising, socializing and eating – activities that arguably... by Constant Therapy | Sep 20, 2019
This week is National Dog Week and in celebration of these wonderful creatures, we looked into the science behind the common belief that our dogs can reduce stress and anxiety, ease loneliness, encourage exercise, and generally spark joy on a daily basis. Dogs have...