Condition: Dementia

10 top movies about brain injury and brain disorders

10 top movies about brain injury and brain disorders

Relaxing on the couch and watching movies and documentaries is usually on everyone’s list of top activities. In that spirit, we’ve curated 10 films that deal sensitively with the topic of brain injury and brain disorders that will educate and inspire. Topics...
Tips to improve memory [VIDEO]

Tips to improve memory [VIDEO]

Memory is the term given to the structures and processes in our brains involved in the storage and subsequent retrieval of information – and it’s essential to our lives. However, there are many reasons that our memory may not seem what it was before....
5 tips to care for a loved one with dementia

5 tips to care for a loved one with dementia

If you are a caregiver, you know how life-changing it can be when someone you love is diagnosed with dementia. Dementia impacts every aspect of an individual’s ecosystem, especially their caregivers. From accepting that your loved one has been diagnosed to...