Subject: Product Tips

Summer success guide: 6 tips to prevent slippage and sustain progress
Summer is here, and with it, the potential for a season filled with exciting activities and new adventures. However, it helps to be mindful of how changes in routine can impact your therapy progress to avoid summer slippage. Disruptions caused by jet lag, travel...
Augmenting your daily activities with Constant Therapy: 5 strategies to inspire results
You’re dedicated to your recovery journey and commit a significant amount of time every week to your Constant Therapy activities to set yourself up for success. But, occasionally, you might wonder how your cognitive, speech, and language therapy activities translate...
Right Hemisphere Brain Damage: therapy exercises that may help
Have you recently been told that you or someone close to you has experienced damage to the right side of the brain? If so, you are not alone. However, you may be eager to learn more about the condition and have questions, such as: How does the right brain participate...